Ground Balance & Coil Height
Does Ground Balance On A Metal Detector Matter? Yes I Believe It Does This has become more apparent to me since using a lot of different machines with a ground balance option and then comparing them to the detectors that I own that don't have a manual ground balance feature. On the river foreshore the machines I can ground balance run a lot more stable because you can modify the setting as you go a long. Nowadays with digital machines and 'ground-tracking', modifying a setting manually can sound like far too much hard work but for me I personally like doing it, I like to be in total control of my detectors. Since using Nexus it became apparent very quickly that swinging your coil above or below the point where you tune the coil to the ground can have a major effect on performance. I came to understand that swinging the coil at the exact point you've dialled it in to the ground allows the machine to run at optimum levels. It improves target response to all targets down