Metal Detecting 'Burn The Witch'
If It's Different It Must Be Bad ...... Right?
I need to choose my words wisely in this blog because I obviously don't want to upset anyone out there, the ego is a complicated thing and it can react in a very defensive way when challenged. I try to live my life without ego because it subtracts from the human spirit that resides in all of us. This blog isn't written from an 'ego' point of view, it's coming from common sense and general observation.
Ladies and Gents despite what you may think, both mind control and psychological manipulation is very real, it's a silent war, war might come across as a strong word but that's exactly what it is. Just look at the state of both the world and society, the discourse and dis-ease all stems from the mind, division is sewn by creating opposing views, 'which are usually fabricated' to get the desired result, which usually turns out to be conflict of some kind. I think the best word to use here is 'dis-course'. We have engineered discourse in our lives in pretty much every area.
The Ego
If you can make a man think he's a god then he clearly can't be challenged because he knows it all, I call it the 'god complex' and I've met many people who suffer from it. My reaction to these entities is simple, I remove them from my life, it might come as a surprise but no man is god .... right? ... wrong!, it would appear we have many gods among us who know everything, even when it comes to things they have no experience in, they still know everything, which I find fascinating - you sense the sarcasm .. right?
The god complex comes in different forms, it can be found within the 'arrogant', the narcissist and of course those that think their intellect is far superior to anyone else's, these people usually claim to be electronic engineers or physicists. Then we have the YouTube guys that have thousands of follows which has obviously elevated them up to a god like status. I've personally found them in every walk of life, but many seem to hide within hobbies, pastimes and most obviously the comment sections on YouTube, this is because they can feel like masters of their own pathetically small universe.
They seem to surface when something or someone appears, that's usually different to what they've been programmed to understand and except. Many things that are different from the normal have a tendency to be attacked in one way or another, just look at history, those who opposed the narrative of the time were shunned, assassinated, attacked and burnt at the stake. Has much changed? no not really, it's just now we have a "verbal stake" and the burning is done in a slightly different way, usually on social media, it's "the bravery of being out of range" that makes these people so confident, if you met them face to face most would probably piss themselves.
Opinions Are Like Arseholes, We've All Got One
I understand that everyone has the right to their own opinion ... hell that's what makes life interesting ... BUT a lot of peoples opinions come from their knowledge base. So what happens when someones knowledge base is microscopic? then their opinion is usually so wide of the mark that it's laughable. Most of the time it's just a mixture of soundbites and nonsensical statements that they've heard from the people around them who share a myopic view on the world, or from some cleverly worded marketing lingo. Baseless statements are like 'Yawns', they spread so easily and the more people that have the same views and opinions have a tendency to close down opposing conversation. Let's look at it from a different angle, if it's 12:00 midday outside with bright sunshine and thousands of people are trying to tell you it's nighttime and pitch black, does that make them right? Just because the majority think something it doesn't make it fact, and let me be clear here, just because I say something that doesn't make it fact either.
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You Are Being Programmed |
Now move the above example over to metal detecting, just because the majority of people out there are using the same machines does that mean that 'said machines' are far superior to anything else? of course not, it's the simple fact that those companies have the marketing budget to create awareness about their product which in turn usually involves convincing everyone that they're offering the best thing on the market. What then stems from this? peoples 'experiences' and, subsequently their opinions on how metal detectors should operate are solely based on the machines they've used in the past. So when something different comes along that appears to have better performance than what they perceive to be the best, they instantly get defensive and start to cause 'disharmony' because their fragile belief system is being challenged. Is It Starting To Make Sense Yet? If a guy on Youtube with 1000,000 subscribers is telling me that 'said detector' is the best and I need to be swinging it, does that make him right? of course not, a large subscriber base doesn't equate to wisdom, knowledge or experience, people have a tendency to get this point confused.
So Where Am I Going With This?
What Is Experience?
Many equate experience to the amount of time you've been doing something, to a degree that's true but I don't see it that black & white. It's how you've used the time that counts, you could've been doing something for years and stayed in the exact same place as when you started. On the flilpside you could've been doing something for a short amount of time and because you applied your mind in a progressive way, you expanded your experience and knowledge at a faster rate. Lets bring drumming into the equation, I've met so many drummers in my life that 'only play rock music' or 'only play punk music', don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that at all but you're only going to progress so far because all the drum beats are literally the same, if you're presented with something different to what you 'know' then you're going to struggle. These guys might have been playing for years but they're simply walking the same path over and over again.
The same can be said for someone that's be detecting for, let's say, 10 years, if they've only ever used automated digital units, are they as experienced as the guy thats only been doing it for 5 years but has a mixture of PI, digital and analog units in their collection? You don't learn anything about metal detectors by simply nudging numbers up and down on a screen.
I think we all know the answer to the question above.
So why write a blog titled Burn The Witch? simple, Nexus metal detectors are once again the witch, a well known YouTube channel has featured them in a new video and as expected, all the gods are appearing in the comments section with their nonsense views and opinions on a set of machines that most have never heard of, let alone used. They're projecting everything that I've covered within this blog, I understand that many of them worship on the alter of Minelab and XP so their programming is so embedded that nothing can break them out of it. But it still never ceases to amaze me the sheer stupidity and down right backward thinking of some people out there. I can only assume that they're threatened by the fact that a rather clever, hard working man over in Bulgaria is producing machines that shatter their whole belief system when it comes to 'analog' metal detectors and what they can be capable of. Unfortunately due to the 'god complex' vast amounts of people have lost their ability to think outside the mainstream box, the way I see it, it's their loss.
Update 10th August 2023
"As expected I've been trolled over this post and it has been completely misunderstood by some, this blog isn't about spreading hate, it's simply trying to explain and understand the psychology of those that choose to bring others down and, ironically "spread hate". The other ironic thing is, all those that got upset over this post exhibited pretty much every point I've made within it. Just to clarify again and I've stated this before, I love all machines, cheap, expensive, digital and analog. I obviously have my preferences when it comes to the machines I choose to use, no machine is the best, they all have their pros and cons and that includes Nexus. Not once have I stated Nexus units are "the best", I just really enjoy using them, but I love using my Legend on the Thames and my two Tesoro units, my Golden Mask and Vista X and F19 - do you get it yet? I just love metal detecting.
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