And The Trolls Keep Coming & Coming

Sometimes I might come across as rude or offensive in some of my videos and blog posts but I'm simply responding to the idiots in the way that I see fit. I really can't quite fathom the sheer amount of trolls and twats that come my way, the metal detecting world is incomparable to the one when I first started. The internet and social media combined with the human condition really has fucked life up in a big way. I get the idea that a lot of people out there think I'm some newbie that decided to start a shitty metal detecting channel for some kind of recognition. This couldn't be further from the truth, I don't care for views, subscribers or recognition, these things are meaningless to me. I started a channel because it was an interesting outlet and because I use machines that aren't really swung a great deal I genuinely felt I'd be offering something a little different to most of the other channels out there.

I got my first metal detector when I was 10 years old and then I got my first real Fisher metal detector when I was 12, I'm now 47, it was a very fringe hobby and half the twats that I have trolling me probably weren't even fucking born when I was swinging my first machine. Am I Bigging Myself Up? Nope not at all, I'm just giving the people reading this some perspective and backstory as to why and how I started metal detecting. I didn't come into the hobby by watching some guy on YouTube or through the watered down digital machines now on offer, I started on analog and I still swing analog because I genuinely believe I get better performance from all my chosen machines compared to the new wave of tech machines on the market. 

Analogs Are Shite Fella

I've said it an endless amount of times that people can swing what the hell they want, I personally couldn't care less. I never force my views on others I simply express my feelings about the machines I swing and the machines I'm not prepared to swing. BUT you will notice that I get defensive and agitated when I have people continually trying to belittle the detectors that I use because they're not the apparent latest and greatest. I can only assume that these types of people haven't been in the hobby for very long and probably won't be in it in a few years to come. People that really love both metal detecting and treasure hunting are far too busy researching sites and getting out there digging. The brand loyal twats come across to me as people that have no idea about both metal detecting or metal detectors and they'll probably be the first to jump ship the second another 'fad' takes their fancy.


  1. Sadly a lot of noshers out there just squeaking and gurning hoping you'll follow their affiliate link so one day they will get a free baseball cap. Thankfully you do offer something different


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