Mission Statement 'Please Read'

I wanted to write a short blog about exactly why I'm doing what I'm doing.

I love metal detecting and it was something I started to do from a very young age, I also enjoy writing, I've written about a few of the other machines that I've used through the years but to be honest all these detectors have been heavily publicised, demonstrated and reviewed hundreds of times over. I'm not going to beable to add a great deal more information about any of these detectors to what's already out there.

The same can't be said about the machines I use now, Nexus is a well established company but little information is floating around out there about any of the machines. If you search on YouTube you will find a lot of videos and demonstrations, however, because they operate under the radar of the greater metal detecting community there isn't a consistent source of information. Because I exclusively use Nexus machines it made sense to me to start putting information out about them. This is done off of my own back and I gain nothing financially off of Nexus for doing this, some people find it really difficult to believe that I would put so much time and effort into giving a brand of metal detector so much exposure for nothing. To be honest those that accuse me of being shill, it says more about their way of thinking than mine. If I was sponsored by the company in any way I would state this in every written blog and video. I would never sell my soul for the promises of a free machine or branded cap to wear on my head, that's all bullshit to me and I have far too much self-respect to whore myself for any company offering a free slice of the pie. 


Paul Warren  


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