
Showing posts with the label Nexus Standard MP V2 Metal Detector

TRUST THE SCIENCE - No Fuck The Science

Nexus Dual 16' Inch Coil Review

I Have A Vision Of The Future "Nexus Discrimination & High Frequency Coils"

The Nexus MP V3 Plus

Nexus "Snap Turtle" 7' Inch Coil

Nexus 'High Frequency Coil Application'

Do Metal Detectors Without Internal Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries Make Them Dated?

Nexus 'Using An Auxiliary Machine'

What's The Definition Of A Good Hunt? Realistic Expectations

Nexus 20' DD Low Frequency Coil Revisited

Nexus Are Far To Expensive 'don't buy one then'

Coil Size & Unmasking Does It Matter?

Nexus Multi -Tone VS VCO

Nexus Depth Revisited

Nexus Standard MP V3 'Two Modes'

Nexus Swing Speed