The Nexus MP V3 Plus
This blog isn't going to be a fully detailed post about the Nexus MP V3 plus edition because I don't have it in my hands. I can confirm that I will be purchasing one to add to my Nexus collection and I will use it extensively on the Thames river and out in my fields. There are quite a few differences in relation to the original MP V3, it's a hybrid of both the V2 and the V3 with a few subtle tweaks in certain areas of performance.
The Features Of The Nexus MP V3 Plus Are Listed Below.
1.Volume/On Off
4.Dual Ground Balance, Fine Multi Turn & Coarse Single
5.Fine Mineral Control With On/Off Switch
6. Sensitivity 'Will Be Replaced With The LC-MC Setting On My Specific Machine'
7. Iron Rejection - When Switch Pushed Forward, If Pulled Backwards The Switch Will Enable VCO, When Released It Will Return To The Off State
8.VCO On/Off Via Rotary Switch
9. Battery Test
10. Blue/ Red LED Meter - Blue For Iron - Red For Non-Ferrous
I will post an image of the interface when possible, there's some very interesting differences between the Nexus standard MP V3 and the V3.5 and we will be looking into the machine in great detail when I receive mine.
Seems like a hybrid of the two machines.