Nexus Standard MP V3 & The Dreaded Pull Tab

Nexus machines have always operated under the radar of the broader metal detecting community, however, recently the company has been covered by a few YouTube channels that have a large amount of subscribers. Along with this, usually in the comments section you get your self appointed experts that perceive themselves as the official mouthpiece of the detecting community. This is all well and good but when you have hollow entities throwing around potentially slanderous statements about machines they know nothing about, reputations can get tainted. I'll say this about the matter, in my experience "those who shout the loudest usually have the least to say, I've spent my life listen to those who whisper".

Another common come back is "I know what I'm talking about because I've been detecting for 40 years"

The comment above is fair enough but here's something to consider "some people have 40 years experience, others have one years experience 40 times" ....... think about this for a while.

Moving On

I've had a lot of people contacting me who have watched these videos asking questions about both the brand and the machines they make.

One question that came up - Would Nexus Be A Good Machine For Park Hunting In The States?

My answer to this question is very simple - Yes It Would Be

I decided to put a demonstration together with the MP V3 showing how you can reject ring pulls and still pick up larger silver coins and silver items in general. Obviously operating the machine in this way there is a trade, you could miss really small silver targets but every other conductor will be detected. Below is a video of me hitting a US quarter completely covered in pull tabs. On this setting you can still detect larger hammered silver coins, the coil I'm using is the 10' Inch 18KHZ that I wrote about in another blog. 


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