Two New Units 'Two New Languages'

"Before I start this blog I'd like to point out that I've purchased all the equipment mentioned with my own money. I'm not sponsored by any company or receiving a 'kick back' to promote their machines. I'm doing it because I love metal detecting and writing and I appreciate the effort these smaller companies put in to trying to make a name for themselves"

There have been two brands of detector that I've had my eyes on for quite some time now, both are unique in their own right, they are Golden Mask and Deeptech, both are small family run companies producing really interesting looking analog machines. When it comes to spending my money on this hobby I'd rather support small independent businesses that are trying something different, as opposed to multimillion pound corporate cesspits who's aim is to suffocate the competition. I see nothing new from these types of organisations, what I do see is cheaply built variations of a theme combined with clever marketing that sets the scene to rinse the general public of their hard-earned cash.

Those that follow my blog and videos will know that I love analogue machines, this has nothing to with "nostalgia". For me these types of detectors enhance and emphasise "the art" that is metal detecting, in this game audio is king, it's a language and each of these machines I've chosen has their own unique words and behaviours. In recent times with technology 'bodysnatching' metal detecting, the hobby has become 'visual' as opposed to audible, fair play if that's how the masses want to go about it. However, I can't connect to those types of machines in the same way I can to a uniquely built analogue unit with sweet audio.
Golden Mask GM4 WD

Golden Mask have a interesting range of machines both analogue and digital, I decided on the GM4 WD PRO, this specific detector has two switchable frequency, 18KHZ & 8 KHZ. This will give me the best of both worlds, 18KHZ will be great for unmasking and separation whilst 8KHZ will allow me to push a little deeper. When I look at this machine it inspires me to want to swing faster than I do with my Nexus detectors. The stock coil that came with it is a 9.5' Inch DD and I ordered an additional 'sniper' coil that measures 5.7' Inch. I'm looking forward to using this on slightly trashier sites where there's a lot of iron contamination. All Golden Mask machines seem to have really fast recovery speeds so it's going to be interesting to see how I get on. 

5x7 Inch Fighter S Coil

Just like I do with my Nexus machines, I will write and make videos on this detector as I learn and understand its language. I won't be making any comparison videos between the GM4 WD PRO and any of  my other detectors. These types of videos are beyond dull, this machine will shine as an entity within itself and the learning process is to understand and master how to get the most out of it. Comparing machines and then claiming which one is best brings our hobby down to school playground levels, I left the playground decades ago, it appears some never did.

Wireless Compatible 

Moving on to the next machine I've ordered, I chose the Deeptech Vista X, this company has produced a number of interesting looking detectors and they seem to perform very well. The Vista X caught my ear when I heard the audio, it's got some interesting nuances that I haven't heard from any other detector. The interface of the machine appears visually balanced and it has some interesting little features, I like the fact that you have a volume control for the iron audio and the alternative discrimination is a nice touch. More importantly though, the Vista X appears very different from both Golden Mask and Nexus so it will fit in nicely with my collection. 

Deeptech Vista X

The machine comes with a 11/9.5 octagonal coil, the coil shape really interests me and I love the way it looks, it was one of the many reason why I wanted the machine. It was the same with Nexus, I loved how unique the coils looked, especially the dual ones. Along with the stock coil I ordered the 8' Inch concentric, this will be good for iron contaminated sites and I'm looking forward to seeing how well it unmasks and separates. From what I've seen the Vista X is a pretty fast machine so I'm sure it's going to do a good job.

8' Inch Concentric Coil

Does purchasing these two machines mean I'm not going to use my Nexus units ...... hell no way, I'm going to continue to use all my machines in equal measure. In my mind none of them are better than the next, as I mentioned before, they're entities within themselves no doubt with strengths and weaknesses. The name of the game here is to learn what they have to offer and understand how to run them for maximum performance. Also it will make both my blog and YouTube a little more interesting including a few more machines that aren't what I would call 'widely used.'  


  1. I owned Vista X
    And I don’t think they make Concentric Coils

    To Disc a Bottlecap with a DD coil
    You need 70% Disc
    And with Concentric you need 30%Disc


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