Setting The Record Straight

I Needed To Write This Blog To Address A Few Subjects

I know that a lot of guys and gals out there that have read my blogs from way back understand where I'm coming from with my views and opinions. However, recent 'trolling' of both my blogs and my videos has demonstrated some peoples inability to understand what I'm trying to explain. As I've stated before, we all have opinions and everyone is entitled to have one, it would make me a hypocrite to suggest otherwise. 

I have been told that I'm a "Hater Of Digital Machines And Everyone That Uses Them", I can't begin to expressive how absurd this is, I have three digital units, the Legend, Fisher F19 and the Equinox 800. I don't use the Fisher or Minelab much anymore but I'm using the Legend on the Thames foreshore. I'm very fond of all these detectors but, as I've explained in my blogs and videos, I wanted something different and I genuinely love using analog machines. I've explained many times why this is so I see no point in explaining it again. Like I've also pointed out before, there really isn't a bad machine on the market nowadays, all detectors have both their strengths and weaknesses, including Nexus. It's all about enjoyment and we all gravitate towards different detectors for a host of different reasons. One point I stand firmly by is, the leading companies have created machines that dumb metal detecting down and make it accessible to the wider audience - Is This A Bad Thing? in some respects, yes it is, which I've explained in previous blogs.

I've also been told that "I Hate Anyone That Says A Bad Word Against Nexus" once again this is a ridiculous statement to make, I genuinely couldn't care less what people say about Nexus .. BUT if you're openly slandering both the brand and its creator, when 'said person' has never touched one, let alone used one, then I find it genuinely frustrating, the blog Burn The Witch explains my views on these people. It was this blog that seemed to attract the most negativity so I'd like to cover a point that I touch on in it.

There's a section where I talk about peoples opinions based on their experiences, what I mean by this is quite simple, if someone has only used digital detectors, then their views on how analog machines operate are pretty much irrelevant. The same can be said for those that have only used analog, their opinions about digital detectors aren't really going to have much baring because they're going on assumptions not experience. Have I Used Every Digital Detector Out There? no of course I haven't but I've used the Equinox 800 heavily for two years and as we know, every digital machine that came out after that was a variation of the Equinox theme. It's clear to see that performance levels on all the current high end units are very similar in their abilities - Is This My Assumption? no it isn't, there's enough evidence out there on YouTube alone to prove this point. 

Am I A Hater Of The Metal Detecting Community? once again, quite frankly a ridiculous statement, I pay very little attention to it, I've pointed out that I feel it's far too commercialised now with all the rallies and group digs, I sense many of these events are just money making ventures for those that run them, the history of the land is secondary. Also I've expressed that I'm not keen on the instant YouTube experts, but as stated before, people participate in this hobby for many different reasons and the bottomline is, if they're enjoying themselves then that's all that really matters. I've written in various blogs when I started in this hobby and why I do it, it's not to become a social media expert or celebrity. 

One Last Point - Am I Telling People What Machines To Buy?

Anyone with a functioning braincell will know the answer to the above question is NO! I'm not telling anyone what to buy. I'm simply putting information out about a set of machines that aren't widely publicised, in doing this it might help those that are interested in using a set of detectors that are different to the mainstream. I get nothing for doing this other than the satisfaction of both writing and making videos. I don't need my back scratched to do anything, I love writing and detecting so I'm simply putting the two together. I could go on but I feel I've covered the main points I wanted to touch on, there's part of me that finds it sad that I even have to write a blog like this, but there seems to be a small demographic of people out there that like to bring others down, I find it all so pointless and unnecessary. 

So I'd like to finish with a kind word to all the trolls and haters.


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