Nexus 'Mind Numbing Comparison Video Requests'

One thing that has become very clear to me in a very short space of time is some peoples utter obsession with comparison videos. A few blogs ago I wrote about the new wave of machines coming onto the market and how I feel the performance is pretty much the same with most of them. I can understand why people would be interested in seeing comparisons between all these types of machines because the price point is manageable for most out there looking to buy a new detector.

In regards to the higher end units like the Deus 2, Manticore and the Nokta Legend I can also see why people would be interested to see comparisons. All these machines are built on a digital framework and operate in a similar way to each other. So here's the point I want to make, you can't compare Nexus to any of these machines, it's worlds away in both design and operation. 

If you're asking for comparison videos to be made between the Manticore, Deus 2 and the Nexus MP V3 then I can tell you straight out the gate that you're not a Nexus user. Your mind is too hardwired for the digital bullshit and you're going to be relying on the machine to do all the work for you. Now this might seem like a sweeping statement but I've seen it time and time again. People that obsess about the high end digital machines buy a Nexus and then approach it in the same way they do swinging a Deus 2, Manticore etc. Nexus is not going to work for you if you approach it with this attitude, you have to work with the machine not rely on it to make all the decisions for you.

It's these people that usually end up disappointed and broadcast to the world that Nexus are unusable pieces of garbage. When the truth is, they didn't have a clue how to use it, because these people usually think they know it all, they can't be told anything without taking it as a personal attack. I've explained time and time again that Nexus machines aren't that complicated. But if you have never used analog then it can be tricky and weird because you have to take care of all the settings yourself and modify as you go.

Many people have no concept with this way of detecting and actually can't be bothered to use a detector where they have to use their brain to operate it. I'm not being rude here I'm just telling it the way that I see it. In my opinion there's just no comparison between Nexus and anything else out there, I'm not saying the machines are the best, but they're the best for me. and I happen to think that they outperform everything else on the market in both depth and discrimination at depth. 

Another point I want to touch on is Nexus stating that their machines are best suited towards serious treasure hunters, professionals and the 'like'. Many seem to take this statement as some kind of insult or a 'superiority complex' thing to say, it's actually really simple to understand. Nexus isn't a toy, it's not an entertainment box,  it's not really aimed towards the hobbyist, it's a professionally designed metal detector, a precision tool. It's advised that people with experience of analog machines and knowledge of metal detectors themselves are the types of people that could benefit from using their detectors because once figured out they offer professional performance.

This is not to say that hobbyists can't use them, I'm using them and I'm not a professional treasure hunter, it's just the fact that they don't offer the automation and gimmicks that are included within the digital machines out there. If you want the gimmicks and convenience of the modern tech machines don't waste your money on a Nexus metal detector. It's best you stick with the mainstream gear, for me personally, I'm all up for trying to help new users but I just can't be bothered with people buying Nexus and then telling me everything that they see wrong with it and insinuate that both my blogs and videos are misleading and  not providing genuine and truthful information.

I don't put out bias, bullshit content, every blog I write and every video I film is stating exactly the way that it is. I get nothing for misleading anyone, people that accuse me of this fall into the category that I explained in the Butt Hurt Fan Boys Blog. If you're going to be a cock then move a long, maybe subscribe to the Metal Detecting Skill School channel, I sense most who watch that are probably more "Your Kind Of People".


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